Annual Meeting and Dinner on June 22, 2024

Please plan to join us for our Annual Meeting and Dinner which will be held on June 22, 2024 at the Smithfield Firehall in Huntingdon.

Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. and dinner will be served at 5:45. Following the dinner, we will have a brief business meeting featuring elections of new Board of Trustees members and additions and ammendments to the by-laws. At the conclusion of the meeting, we are proud to present our speaker, April Feagley, who will speak on the life of her ancestor, Mary Mood Norris. Mary Moody Norris was an early settler of Huntingdon County and had a fascinating life.

Tickets to the Annual Meeting and Dinner must be purchased in advance. They are $16 apiece and may be purchased at the Huntingdon County Historical Society located at 106 Fourth Street in Huntingdon. Please call (814) 643-5449 before Thursday, June 20 to reserve your spot. All are welcome to attend, but only current members of the historical society may vote.

Please call (814) 643-5449 for more information.

We look forward to seeing you there.