

Proposed Changes to 2023 By-Laws

The Huntingdon County Historical Society’s Board of Trustees is seeking to make the following changes to our exisiting By-Laws. These proposed changes will be voted on by the membership at our Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at the Smithfield Fire Hall located a 1 Firehouse Lane in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.

The proposed changes are as follows:

  • Article V, insert new section 7: Trustee Responsibilities

A.   Attend all meetings unless excused by the President or Executive Director

B.   Support the HCHS (personal contributions or assist with fundraising efforts)

C.   Participate in activities and events

D.   Serve actively on at least one committee

  • Current Article V sections 7-9 will become sections 8-10
    • Article VI, section 1 B add … “no later than March 15.”
    • Article VII—Amendments

Change Section 1

  1. “Any proposed amendments can be made by a member of the Huntingdon County Historical Society in good standing to the Board of Trustees in writing within 30 days of the publication of the Annual Meeting announcement.”
  2. “If proposed amendments are received, the ByLaws Committee will meet prior to the BOT meeting before the Annual Meeting to review and draft the proposed amendments in order to present to the BOT at the monthly meeting.”
  3. Add j. Revisions and Amendments approved at the Annual Meeting held at the Trolley Museum on June 24, 2023.