Research Library – 106 Fourth Street
The research library is open to the public on a seasonal schedule, with a staff of trained volunteers. The majority of researchers use the library’s genealogical sources, many of which are unique materials not available elsewhere. In addition to a large collection of published histories and genealogies, including rare and out-of -print titles, the library offers extensive card files and manuscript sources compiled and collected over the years. A special Civil War collection, established by the Aughwick Civil War Round Table, is available for research in that era.
The library and archives also include a variety of sources for general historical research: a large photograph collection; a county-wide survey of buildings and historic sites; maps; special projects on local art and artists, coverlets, quilts, and stoneware; scrapbooks; ledgers; and extensive manuscript and clipping files.
The research staff responds to all requests for information, genealogical and general, which are received by mail or by phone, as well as assisting those who use the library in person. A daily fee of $10.00 is charged library users who are not Society members, and a schedule of charges and services has been established for research done for those who cannot visit the library in person.
McMurtrie House Museum – 106 Fourth Street
The McMurtrie House Museum includes the parlor, hall, and two bedrooms, which have been decorated in the period of the Huntingdon County Centennialin 1887, for the purpose of interpreting the furnishings and styles of that era to the public. In addition, children’s toys of many eras are displayed in the McMurtrie home, and kitchen equipment and lighting devices are exhibited in the out-kitchen. The museum rooms are open at announced times, or arrangements can be made for guided tours, for large or small groups, by calling (814) 643-5449.
The Exhibit Gallery – 106 Fourth Street
The Exhibit Gallery offers a large meeting room where Society programs and exhibits are held. Equipped with display panels and cases, and track lighting, the space is ideal for varied exhibit purposes. The room can be heated or air-conditioned, depending upon the season. The gallery has been rented to a variety of community organizations for their exhibits or programs. Arrangements for such use can be made by calling the Society at (814) 643-5449.
The Little House – 106 Fourth Street
The Little House built in 1887 for a parade float, by the Cottage Planing Mill, was used for the County Centennial celebration. After the parade the house stood at the northwest corner of Tenth and Mifflin Streets and remained there until 1987. The little house, then newly restored for the County Bicentennial parade found a permanent home in the yard of the historical society. It has been a fixture at our facility since then.
Old Stone Church – Manor Hill
Since 1970, the Society has owned this historic property on Route 305, in Barree Township. It includes the Shaver’s Creek Presbyterian Church, built in 1825, and a large two-part cemetery adjacent to it. The building is the oldest existing church in Huntingdon County and, because it has been without a regular congregation for more than a century, it has undergone few changes and retains much of its early character. A Sunday morning worship service is held in the church each summer, and the building has also been used for weddings, baptisms, hymn sings, Christmas caroling, picnics, and as a destination for groups touring historic sites. Arrangements for use of this site can be made by calling the Society at (814) 643-5449.