Textile Collection
HCHS maintains a large textile collection ranging from the late 1700’s to the mid-1900’s and includes women’s, children’s and men’s clothing and accessories.
Photograph Collection
HCHS photograph collection consists of thousands of historic photographs from all regions within Huntingdon County. Various topics and items of interest can be found within this collection.
Robert Cree Collection
Robert Cree, a consummate historian, donated his unique research including the Huntingdon County Murder Copendiums, Vol 1-6 and Huntingdon County Inventors & Patents. Mr. Cree also donated family files to our research library.
Linnaria Wheland Collection
Linnaria ‘Polly’ Wheland, a well-versed genealogist, donated all of her research materials including family files, family books, county histories, cemetery records and copies of bible pages from some local families.
Albert Rung Collection
The Albert Rung Collection consists of the manuscripts of a prolific historian whose interest was Huntingdon County history includes a wide variety of topics including first person accounts.
Postcard Collection
HCHS maintains a collection of postcards of historic photographs from all regions of Huntingdon County of various people, places and things.